Scienzanova al workshop WHP – Workplace Health Promotion

Workplaces that promote health - Healthy Lifestyles in the workplace
Lanciano 18 December 2023Scienzanova took part in the al WHP in-training workshop, based on organisational models of social responsibility and good practices, promoted and organised by the Health Department of the Abruzzo Region and the Teramo Local Health Authority, thanks also to the patronage of the Lanciano Municipality and with the collaboration of ASSIDAL - Associazione Italiana Datoriale Attività Lavoratori.
This initiative is part of the communication and awareness-raising activities envisaged by the Regional Prevention Plan 2021-2025 of the Abruzzo Region.
Dr Letizia De Santis, Head of Scienzanova's R&D and QC Team invited as a speaker, testified with concrete business cases how even small and medium-sized companies can adopt welfare policies sensitive to the health of their employees.
Dr. De Santis' storytelling illustrated the screening projects developed by Scienzanova, and shared with Mediterranea Biotecnologie and Igea, screenings aimed at the prevention of oncological and cardiovascular diseases among employees.
The common application between the three companies of these projects, aimed at protecting the health of their employees, is facilitated by the companies' membership in the Rete di Sviluppo Biotec. This network of companies was set up with the aim of generating and facilitating opportunities and exchanges in the field of innovation among its member companies. These objectives also include the innovative application models of welfare policies, as well as those oriented towards sustainability and relations with the territory.
Scienzanova is pleased to have been invited to witness its commitment to this important in-formative event, which represents an opportunity to illustrate to representatives of employers' associations, entrepreneurs, competent doctors, company safety officers, workers and their representatives the theoretical and practical tools for the promotion of correct lifestyles in the workplace.
The implementation of practices aimed at protecting the overall health of workers and promoting social equity, a priority in the 2021-2025 Regional Prevention Plan of the Abruzzo Region, aims at promoting organisational changes in the workplace so that it can become an environment conducive to the conscious adoption of healthy lifestyles.