Igea in Polonia al 30° INNODAIRY – XXX International Symposium Technique and Technology in Dairy Industry
UWM - University of Warmia and Masuria from June 11th to 14th, 2024
"Innovation without optimization is an experiment.Optimization without innovation is stagnation.
The road to success opens by combining both."
This is the concept that represents the guiding thread with which the organizers of INNODAIRY express the spirit of these days of the Symposium, which will be held from June 11th to 14th, 2024, at the University of Warmia and Masuria (UWM).
INNODAIRY, now in its thirtieth edition, gathers the excellence of the Polish and foreign dairy world. This prestigious event is organized by the Department of Dairy Product Management of UWM (University of Warmia and Masuria) and represents a point of reference for the entire sector.
At the conference, open by invitation, approximately 300 managers and professionals from the best Polish dairy companies will attend, along with distinguished international guests. Igea will be present with its Polish partner Lacto. Enrico Biraschi, Commercial Director of Igea, will deliver a presentation at the Symposium on bioprotection cultures, illustrating their application and mechanisms of action.
The theme of the conference perfectly meets the current needs of the market and aligns with the offering that Igea proposes both to the Polish and global trades. In particular, the innovative SHIELD bioprotection range offers a selection of protective cultures that harness the antimicrobial activity of selected strains for their antagonistic capabilities, thus responding to the innovation demands in various dairy productions.
The SHIELD line allows for the removal or reduction of the use of additives commonly used in productions, promoting a “clean label” approach. All SHIELD cultures are gluten-free, non-GMO, and certified Kosher and Halal.
Igea's product innovations are the result of the interaction of specific shared expertise made possible by the research and development activities of Scienzanova and the production activities of Mediterranea Biotecnologie. These close collaborations find concreteness in the operational flows dedicated to innovation and shared by the three companies in the "Metodo M&B".
The INNODAIRY Symposium thus represents a unique opportunity for discussion on the latest innovations in the dairy sector, demonstrating how the integration of innovation and optimization is the key to success and potential sustainable growth.