Igea and Elian Comércio de Insumos para Alimentos together in Brazil at the 3rd Workshop ‘Milk and Dairy Products’ – UFV Campus Rio Paranaíba

On 13 May, the 3rd Milk and Dairy Workshop was held at the Universidade Federal de Viçosa - Campus Rio Paranaíba, with the theme Challenges and solutions for health and well-being for the dairy industry.
Igea and its distributor in Brazil Elian Comércio de Insumos para Alimentos, based in Vitória in the state of Espírito Santo, participated as speakers and sponsors of the event.
The programme of the event opened with a presentation by Enrico Biraschi, Technical Director of Igea and Mediterranea Biotecnologie, who presented a paper entitled 'The use of probiotic and bioprotective cultures to improve the quality and production of healthier food'.
The meetings continued until late afternoon with the following reports:
- The future of the business relationship between milk producers and industry - Ronaldo Carvalho Macedo/Cia do Leite.
- Understanding MAPA inspection and how to prepare for PAC in the dairy industry ensuring quality - Dermeval Silva Neto
- New nutrition labelling: do you know what you are eating? - Mr. Patrick Pereira dos Santos and Enrico Biraschi of Igea
- PAC in Dairy - Mrs. Milana Dias Latteria Vida
The day-long workshop was well attended by industry insiders and students from the faculty, who were interested in learning more about the latest topics in the dairy sector.
Igea, with Elian Comércio de Insumos para Alimentos, are particularly sensitive to this type of training event, disseminating their experience and knowledge in the field of starter cultures, probiotics and food supplements developed in Italy thanks to the Enterprise Network consisting of Mediterranea Biotecnologie, Igea and the start-up Scienzanova.
In particular Igea makes its SHIELD range available on the Brazilian market: a selected formulation of bacterial strains designed and tested for bioprotection, which offer the possibility of eliminating the use of preservatives in the processing stages to obtain dairy products adhering to clean label logic.
The SHIELD range offers three different formulations based on strains belonging to the species Lactobacillus spp., Lactiplantibacillus spp. and Lacticaseibacillus spp.
Each formulation guarantees its efficacy based on the different pH levels reached during processing to offer a differentiated spectrum of action based on these.
Because of this peculiarity, SHIELD offers the possibility to cover a very wide range of dairy processes with maximum efficiency.
These coltures are 'GLUTEN and GMO FREE' and certified Kosher and Halal.
The programme of the event opened with a presentation by Enrico Biraschi, Technical Director of Igea and Mediterranea Biotecnologie, who presented a paper entitled 'The use of probiotic and bioprotective cultures to improve the quality and production of healthier food'.
The meetings continued until late afternoon with the following reports:
- The future of the business relationship between milk producers and industry - Ronaldo Carvalho Macedo/Cia do Leite.
- Understanding MAPA inspection and how to prepare for PAC in the dairy industry ensuring quality - Dermeval Silva Neto
- New nutrition labelling: do you know what you are eating? - Mr. Patrick Pereira dos Santos and Enrico Biraschi of Igea
- PAC in Dairy - Mrs. Milana Dias Latteria Vida
The day-long workshop was well attended by industry insiders and students from the faculty, who were interested in learning more about the latest topics in the dairy sector.
Igea, with Elian Comércio de Insumos para Alimentos, are particularly sensitive to this type of training event, disseminating their experience and knowledge in the field of starter cultures, probiotics and food supplements developed in Italy thanks to the Enterprise Network consisting of Mediterranea Biotecnologie, Igea and the start-up Scienzanova.
In particular Igea makes its SHIELD range available on the Brazilian market: a selected formulation of bacterial strains designed and tested for bioprotection, which offer the possibility of eliminating the use of preservatives in the processing stages to obtain dairy products adhering to clean label logic.
The SHIELD range offers three different formulations based on strains belonging to the species Lactobacillus spp., Lactiplantibacillus spp. and Lacticaseibacillus spp.
Each formulation guarantees its efficacy based on the different pH levels reached during processing to offer a differentiated spectrum of action based on these.
Because of this peculiarity, SHIELD offers the possibility to cover a very wide range of dairy processes with maximum efficiency.
These coltures are 'GLUTEN and GMO FREE' and certified Kosher and Halal.